
Puerto Natales, Chile

What to do in Puerto Natales?

Check our tours and activities available in Puerto Natales. Plan your schedule, book and enjoy the wonders of Patagonia.

Classic tours

We offer the classic tours from Puerto Natales. We have confirmed dates.

W Circuit

W Circuit trek programs of Torres del Paine. All of them include accommodation with the option to include meals.

Likely to sell out
W Circuit (4 days)

W Circuit (4 days)

4.6 / 5
October 2024 to April 2025
Optional: all meals included
CLP$ 399.000
Likely to sell out
W Circuit with optional in Grey Glacier (5 days)

W Circuit with optional in Grey Glacier (5 days)

4.6 / 5
October 2024 to April 2025
Optional: all meals included
CLP$ 689.000
Likely to sell out
O Circuit (8 days)

O Circuit (8 days)

5 / 5
November 2024 to March 2025
Optional: all meals included
CLP$ 609.000

Full day treks

Check our trekking programs in the Torres del Paine National Park and its surroundings, with which you will access to the landscapes of the Patagonia.


Check the private shuttle service that we offer from Puerto Natales to different places of the Patagonia, so you can continue your trip.

New tours

Compare the new tours that begin in Puerto Natales to discover the area in a different way.

Activities in kayak

Visit the Torres del Paine National Park from Villa Rio Serrano with views of the landscapes from the Pingo River. Instructor and kayak equipment included.